Thursday, October 1

Veterinary Medicine, the Whitest Profession in America

Baton Rouge, La – On Sept. 30, Dr. Patti R. Rose declared in the Huffington Post that Vet. Medicine is the whitest profession in America in an article titled “Why Veterinary Medicine, the Whitest Profession in America, Needs Black Students.” The article came on the heels of a news article published by the Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association JAVMA on Sept. 1, 2015 titled “Grant aims to give minorities a boost in whitest profession.”

“Consequently, vet schools need Black students as they are members of the largest racial group in the United States,” said Dr. Rose.

As for vet schools, the unfortunate reality of being the whitest profession in the U.S. provides an opportunity for positive change. The first step is to admit that there is a problem, namely lack of diversity. The next step is to begin aggressively recruiting students from the largest racial group in the U.S., by seeking and finding qualified candidates, and to further these efforts towards expanded diversity. It is 2015 after all, and time for vet schools to join the rest of society in coming to terms with the reality that the new majority is emerging, fast.
Dr. Rose, a Yale alumna, is president of Rose Consulting, author and blogger.  Follow her on Twitter at

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