Wednesday, September 23

American Heart Association’s Hands-Only CPR Mobile Tour to make a stop at the SU Ag Center

Event Flyer

Tour will teach Hands-Only CPR method to the Baton Rouge community
Baton Rouge, La – The Southern University Ag Center has teamed up with the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Amerigroup Foundation to host the 2015 Hands-Only CPR Mobile Tour in the Capital Area on October 13 in the rear parking lot of the SU Ag Center, 181 B.A. Little Drive.

The interactive training will begin with a welcome at 10 a.m. followed by 6 training sessions at 10:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 11:50 a.m., 1 p.m., 1:40 p.m. and 2:20 p.m.

The tour, which is FREE and open to the public, is a part of the AHA’s nationwide Hands-Only CPR campaign which teaches Americans how to perform CPR in the event of an emergency.

Attendees will practice the Hands-Only method using their own CPR Anytime mannequin and will take home a kit to teach CPR skills to their family.

According to the AHA, cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death with over 326,000 out-of-hospital cases occurring annually in the United States. When a person goes into sudden cardiac arrest, their survival depends on receiving CPR immediately from someone nearby. Studies have shown the Hands-Only CPR method is equally as effective as conventional mouth-to-mouth CPR, and people are more likely to feel comfortable performing it.

To register for the Hands-Only CPR Training visit,

For additional information about the AHA’s Hands-Only CPR campaign, visit or


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