Wednesday, July 24

SU Ag Center Launches Maiden Garden at New Light Missionary Baptist Church

L-r: Underwood, Franklin, Jackson harvesting cucumbers

Seniors enjoy harvesting cucumbers
Baton Rouge, LA – Southern University Ag Center’s extension associate for community garden, Stephanie Elwood is responsible for the vegetable garden at the New Light Missionary Baptist Church, which was created May 2013 to provide exercise and fresh produce for seniors.  This area of north Baton Rouge is considered a food desert. The USDA defines food deserts as urban neighborhoods and rural towns without ready access to fresh, healthy, and affordable food. The lack of access contributes to a poor diet and can lead to higher levels of obesity and other diet-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Gardens help bring relief to food deserts. The SU Ag Center, by creating gardens in the community, is contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of local residents. Elwood worked with the seniors to establish the garden on church grounds in the Scotlandville area. The church is located at 650 Blount Road, Baton Rouge; Rev. Gil H. Wright, Pastor.

Elwood delivered three types of vegetable seeds (tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash) for the church garden and worked diligently with members to establish a raised bed for planting.  “The garden provides the seniors in the church opportunities to exercise and eat healthy, she stated.

The senior citizens meet daily from 9 am-2pm; part of this time is spent nurturing the garden, which is complete with ornamental sunflowers and citrus trees. Ms. Mable Franklin is the director of the Senior Citizen Program at the church, assisted by Riley Underwood.

“We are so excited about the garden; the deacons encourage us, and we have a wonderful time. It’s fun, fun, fun,” said Franklin. “The folks at Southern are very cooperative and supportive, and we are looking forward to the fall garden with all the greens.” The garden is producing cumbers in abundance for making salads, sharing and even selling some to local residents.

Story and photos provided by Angela Jackson, Administrative Assistant at SU Ag Center, and New Light Missionary Baptist Church member.


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