Thursday, June 20

Oak Park Plaza Senior Housing Garden Flourishing

SNAPEd Garden at Oak Park Senior Housing
Baton Rouge, LA - Through the SU Ag Center’s SNAPEd program headed by De’Shoin York, Assistant Specialist, nutrition, Stephanie Elwood, Extension Associate, Community Gardens, implemented the Oak Park Senior Living garden, and tied it into the nutrition weekly classes taught by the Center’s Nutrition Educator - Kaci Ernest. The apartment residents are all seniors that enjoy independent living who attend a weekly Nutrition Education class. In addition to nutrition education, they built a raised bed garden and planted vegetables. Elwood expressed her gratitude to the active residents and faculty of Oak Park for delightfully maintaining the garden and producing tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, and basil.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the largest program in the domestic hunger safety net.  SNAP-Ed is a nutrition education program funded by the US Department of Agriculture.

For further details, contact Stephanie Elwood at 225-771-2134.


Bridget Udoh
(225) 771-5714

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