Friday, November 16

SU Ag Center Trains Jetson Youth on Gardening

Elwood works with youth in garden

Baton Rouge, LA - Every Tuesday and Thursday, the SU Ag Center holds the Jetson (JCCY) Garden Trade class at the JCCY facility in Baker, LA. On Tuesdays, an average of 17 incarcerated boys, ages 12-18 gather to hear a guest speaker from the Southern University Agricultural Research and Extension Center emphasize  the importance of knowing how to grow food, explaining the doors of opportunity that open up when individuals learn how to grow their own food. The speaker also describes the important role that African Americans play in the progression of modern agriculture, and shares life skills associated with gardening, proper communication, healthy eating, and family life.  On Thursdays, Extension Associate Stephanie Elwood, Project Director Christie Gremillion-Monroe and program participants spend time in the Jetson 800-square foot garden, planting, watering, weeding, harvesting and overall maintaining the health of the garden.

 Recently, Kasundra Cyrus, specialist, family and consumer sciences, and Monroe received a USDA/NIFA grant to enhance the Ag Science class taught at Jetson Correctional Facility, and are implementing the program. Currently, the garden is blooming with mustard greens, turnips, collards, cabbage, radish, carrots and beets. The garden saves the JCCY cafeteria money and provides fresh, healthy, local produce to the incarcerated boys, as well as a sense of pride knowing that they grow the food themselves.

The youth that participate in the Garden Trade program receive a certificate of achievement through the Southern University Ag Center. This certificate serves as supporting document when successful participants attend their court dates, and when released from JCCY to seek employment. 
For additional information, contact Christie Monroe at 225-771-4350.


Bridget Udoh
(225) 771-5714

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